We are proud to introduce Scenarios, the new mobile emergency app for iPhone and Android that allows users to quickly initiate complex emergency response actions directly from their smartphones.
In 2013, we introduced the Scenarios as an addition to the Omnilert solution. The tool allows you to pre-plan complex sequences of responses to common emergencies that can later be activated with a single click. With the new Scenarios emergency app, administrators no longer have to log into the web application to launch a scenario sequence. Instead, they can simply open the native mobile app and click the relevant scenario to initiate a set of emergency response actions in seconds.
“There are two critical aspects to a successful response to any emergency: taking the right actions and implementing them quickly,” notes Ara H. Bagdasarian, CEO of Omnilert. “This emergency app is designed to help our customers take the right actions faster than ever.”
“By having prewritten scenarios, sending out an alert becomes a simple one-click process. This significantly speeds up communications and helps prevent human error, especially during an urgent situation. Scenarios allow us to think through and prepare for a situation before it happens, as opposed to having to decide what to say, who to include in the distribution, etc. during an actual emergency,” explains Omnilert customer Michael Richardson, EHS Manager at Carolina Biological Supply Company in Burlington, NC.
For example, a company or school's scenario for a blizzard might send email, text, and voice messages to notify parents that schools will be closed, send a different email, text, and voice message to teachers and staff with reporting instructions, display a notice on the website, post a message to social media, change the display text on digital signs, send desktop alerts to all employees' computers, and even set up an instant conference call for the management team to coordinate additional responses.