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emergency communication system
OmnilertJul 2, 2014 5:06:58 AM3 min read

How to Improve your Emergency Communication System

No emergency is the same, which is why you need to have a response plan that can adapt to new situations and circumstances. This means your approach to emergency response should reflect this always-evolving reality, by constantly making improvements to your system.

Today's corporate world is changing faster than it ever has before. "Game changing" technologies seem to be implemented on a monthly basis, while social media and new devices continue to shape how we work. With all this change one of the few constants that seems to linger around the office or work facility is the need for emergency preparedness.

While an emergency event, such as a downed machine or major safety risk, is rather rare, they do happen, so you need to be prepared to minimize its effects on the company.

Plan ahead
The best thing you can do before an event actually occurs is to make sure you're ready. Facilities Net noted that you need to make sure that every department is clear about what exactly a critical situation is. When you can identify the most pressing risks for your company you can better prepare for a response.

Also make sure that all scenarios are planned for. As the business world changes, so too do potential risks. By using a scenario manager you can make sure you have the right plan in place, enabling decision makers to make quick actions that can keep people safe.

Be direct and clear
When you do need to send out a company wide alert, you need use clear message and reach the entirety of you company. By using a scenario manager, you can send a prepared message quickly and effectively from your office, without having to make rash decisions when things get hectic.

It is also important to use a variety of platforms when communicating this message. Not everyone communicates the same way, so making sure the same message can reach a tablet and an office phone is essential.

Reassess and reevaluate
Once the crisis has been dealt with, it is important to make sure that you review the program's successes and failures so that you can be ready for future incidents.

By looking at where you're program thrived, and more importantly missed the mark, you can be sure you know how to improve going forward. Data such as recipient confirmations, polling results and other pieces of information can provide you with actionable insights into how your management program can improve.